Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Idiot, Idiot, Idiot!!!!!!

So, I have done it again. Right now as we speak I am wet vacuuming my pride off the floor. There are two entities that live in this body o' mine: 1)"Somewhat Intelligent Gurl", 2)"Utterly Stupid Gurl". Utterly Stupid Gurl has struck again. Somewhat intelligent girl was screaming at the top of her lungs (what does that adage mean? Conversation for another time?) to NOT go there. Well despite what Intelligent girl said, Stupid Girl dove, no Belly flopped into a humiliating situation that is thank God finally come to an end. Whew!!!! So what now? So far I have had sisters in Christ to pick me up off the floor and wipe away my VERY smeared mascara and remind me of Christ's unyielding Love, Grace and Mercy. I can't help but feel terribly disappointed in myself, but I still have the courage to get up and go at it again, only this time seeking Christ first. We'll see how it goes. I will be posting my journey-BOTH the good and bad. Pray for me. Goodnight Lovlies!


Suttonmom said...

Don't ya just hate it when "Stupid" wins out! I do for sure. It's that old battle between who we are use to being and who we want to be in Christ. Keep going girl! Col 3:2! :)

Sarah said...

I do stupid real good. You're not alone!

Well, no matter the mistakes or whatever else..Jesus still loves you and would die all over again for you. Yuu're pretty special.

Love ya!