Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello 2011!!

Well, this year is definitely off to an "interesting" start. I am actually excited though. I really think this year will be a lot better for me as I have done a lot of growing the previous year. Most important, I have finally realized my self worth. I will refuse to "settle" for what I consider less than. I owe myself that and also I feel that I will be a good role model for my daughter in doing so.

I am also finally taking care of myself on the outside as well. I have made a decision to eat well and do some kind of exercise this year. I know, I know, people always have this sort of attitude at the beginning of the year and then they lose this positive energy mid January. Well, one of my resolutions is to be more disciplined and through that I will hopefully follow through on the goals that I set for myself. We'll see how it goes I guess won't we?

Everyday this year, ( there has been two days so far), I have done yoga. I really like the way that it relaxes me in mind and spirit. The thing I don't like is my inability to do certain poses as my fat roll on my belly gets in the way. I am positive however that this will get better as I strive for a better physical me!! I am sooo psyched!! Why is it you have to be 30 something before you actually feel like you finally have your stuff together. Anyway, I feel great and I will choose happiness.

That is what I wish for all of you, for you to choose happiness. Whatever your beliefs are, and we all have a variety out there, the one thing that we can all do the same is choose to be positive. Try it! I mean really, what do you have to lose? Love and Peace to you all!!


1 comment:

Sarah said...

HATE BELLY ROLLS! Get's in the way of some of my stuff, too. :( I really just want a tummy tuck. Start over fresh! haha

I love yoga, too. :) I do the yoga on Wii Fit...